Anthony Methuen puchased most of the village from his cousin -Mary Martin (nee` Ashe) for a total of £3,500. It can be seen from the description of the property at the time that Joseph Davison was 87 years of age and would live another 5 years. His father Henry had sold his house and lands to John Ashe in 1647 and then leased them back with Joseph as tenant paying £120 a year in rent. The ownership of "Freshford Farm", as it is referred to passed to Mary Ashe`s mother , and then to her daughter. Finally on Joseph`s death in 1718, Anthony Methuen regained the Farm. He was to rent out the Farm and sell the Davison`s former House with 4 acres of land to Robert Hayward in 1718. The teanat would have lived on the farm in the building now known as "the Old Manor, though it only received thgis name in th muid 19 th Century when the house was rented by a Bath Solicitor named Little.
Mr Joseph Davison aged four score and 7 years holds a farm and lands consisting of 207 acres formerley at £120 per annum, but now impoverished being held by the said old life only,now worth to be lett at £100 per annum, but very suject to impoverishment and likely. with no great cost to be brought to its valued at....£100
1713 Purchase of Freshford Farm