1841 Tithe Map List - (Tithe Number,Description,Owner & Occupier) below map
1 Garden and quarry, Bradford Parish Officers (Richard Newrnan)
2 Garden, Bradford Parish Officers (Richard Newman)
3 Berfield Garden, Mary Batten (Herself and others)
4 House and garden, James Hart (Himself)
5 Two tenements, garden, and quarry, Richard Neman (Himself)
6 Garden, Isaac Bendall (Himself)
7 Two Houses, Isaac Bendall (Himself)
8 Plantation, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq. (Himself)
9 Barton and stall, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq. (Himself)
10 Great Conigre/ pasture, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq. (Himself)
11 Plantation, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq.
12 Plantation, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq.
13 Garden, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq.
14 Gardens, Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
15 Zion Chapel, Trustees of the Independent Society (Themselves)
16 The Bell, and three tenements,John Bush, Esq. (John Dory & others)
17 Plantation, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq.(Himself)
17a Eight houses, and garden, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq. (Thomas Wheeler)
18 Clay Ground /arable, John Briscoe, Esq.(John Dyke)
19 Part of Belcomb/ Park/ pasture. Thomas Shewell Bailward, Esq. (Benjamin Hart)
20 Five tenements, Joseph Jones, Silas Tucker,and John Yerbury (Themselves)
21 The Park/pasture, Thomas Wheeler(Himself)
22 House and garden, Thomas Wheeler(Himself)
22a House and garden, Thomas Wheeler(Himself)
23 Two cottages, and garden, Thomas Smart (Himself)
24 Two houses, and garden, Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
25 Garden, Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
26 Little Coniger (Conigre) /pasture. Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
27 Garden, Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
28 Yard, paddock, and premises, Charles Jones (Himself)
29 Garden, Charles Jones (Himself)
30 House, and garden, Charles Jones (Himself)
31 Two houses, Thomas Spackman, Junr. (Himself)
32 Three tenements, William Harding (VOID)
33 Three houses, Barnabas Flower (Himself)
34 Three houses. Henry Jones (Himself)
35 Field / pasture, [The Rev.] James Tackle (Himself)
36 Tour houses. James Budgett, [Scnr.] (Himself fc others)
37 Three houses, and garden, Thomas I (Himself)
38 Two Houses. John Alderton Bush (William Hiscocks)
39 Three houses, John Bush, Esq. (Enoch Porch & others)
40 Field at Budbury/pasture, John Jones (Bryan Jones)
41 House, Rep. of John Bains (—)
42 Garden, Thomas Wheeler (John Lolon)
43 Two houses, and garden, Thomas Wheeler (Richard Gardener)
44 Budbury Castle, Thomas Wheeler (Richard Gardener)
45 Four houses, and gardens, John Jordan (Himself)
46 Seven tenements, Elijah Bush (John Smith & others)
47 Garden, Miss Elizabeth Timbrel! (John Comely)
48 Seven tenements, Charles Cad by (Himself)
49 House, and garden, Robert Harris (John Comely)
50 Five tenements, Thomas and Alfred Bulterworth (William Love fc others)
51 Five tenements, William Dunsdon(Himself & others)
52 Three tenements, Philip Cadby (Himself)
53 Four houses, Samuel Nicholls (Himself)
54 Two tenements, Thomas and Alfred Butterworth (William Love & others)
55 Two houses, John Jones (Bryan Jones)
56 Three houses, and garden, John Jones (Bryan Jones)
57 House, and garden, John Jones (Bryan Jones)
58 Garden, paddock, and quarry, John Jones (Bryan Jones)
59 House, and garden, Thomas Wheeler (Richard Gardener)
60 House, James, George fc John Marks (Themselves)
61 House, and garden, Charles Cadby (Himself)
62 House, John Smith (Himself)
63 House, John \fctsom (Himself)
64 Two houses, William Slug (Himself)
65 Two houses, William Jones (Himself)
66 House, William Slug (Himself)
67 House, Henry Jones (Himself)
68 House, William Dunsdon (Himself & others)
69 Two houses, Gideon Fricker (Himself S: others)
70 House, and garden, James Jones (Himself)
71 House, William Knapp (Himself)
72 House, Jarvis Kendall (Himself)
73 House, William Hedges (Himself)
74 House, and garden, William Taylor (Richard Blackler)
75 Garden, Frederick White (Alexander Wilkins)
76 House, and garden, Frederick White (George Summers)
77 Four houses, and shops, Charles Spackman (Himself)
78 House, John Bush, Esq. (George Blackmore)
79 Two houses, and garden, William Hillman (Himself)
80 Two houses, and shop, Ann Grist (Herself)
81 House, Bryan Furnall (Betty Humphries)
82 House, Thomas Bryant (Thomas Self)
83 House, William Matthews (Himself)
84 Two houses, and garden, Thomas and Alfred Buiterworth (William Love & others)
85 House, William Bray (Himself)
86 Two houses, Elizabeth Jotham and William Reeves (Themselves)
87 Malt house, James Pike (Himself)
88 House, and garden, Stephen Gishford (Himself)
89 House, garden, and five tenements,
90 Sanny'sLeaze/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (Alexander Wilkins)
91 Coombs Close/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (Alexander Wilkins)
92 Hareknap/arable, Mrs. Esther Yerbury (Alexander Wilkins)
93 Quarry Field/arable, Mrs. Esther Yerbury(Alexander Wilkins)
94 Plantation, Mrs. Esther Yerbury(Alexander Wilkins)
95 Part of the Grove /pasture, Mrs. Esther Yerbury (Alexander Wilkins)
96 Orchard Field/arable, Mrs. Esther Yerbury (Alexander Wilkins)
97 Four houses, and garden, Richard Newman (Himself)
98 House, and garden, Isaac Jones (Himself)
99 Garden, William Taylor (William Blackler)
100 House, and garden, Henry Rushton (Himself)
101 Garden, Francis Gough (Edward Wilton)
102 Five houses, Francis Gough (Edward Wilton)
103 Three houses, and gardens, William Taylor (William Bladder)
104 Garden, John Knapp (Himself)
105 House [Bekombe Cottage], and garden, John Knapp (Himself)
106 Garden, William Taylor (William Blackler)
107 Garden, Francis Gough (Edward Wilton)
108 Innocks Mead/pasture, Mrs. Esther Yerbury (Alexander Wilkins)
109 Rock Field/pasture, Mrs. Esther Yerbury (Alexander Wilkins)
110 Farm-house, garden, and homestead.Mrs. Esther Yerbury {Alexander Wilkins)
111 Orchard, Mrs. Esther Yerbury (Alexander Wilkins)
112 Belcombe Brook House, lawn, and plantation, Mrs. Esther Yerbury (Herself)
113 Part of the Grove /pasture, Mrs. Esther Yerbury (Alexander Wilkins)
114 Cottage, and garden, Mrs. Esther Yerbury (Herself)
115 Yerbury's Tyning/pasture, Francis Yerbury, Esq. (Alexander Wilkins)
116 Corner Plantation, Mrs. Esther Yerbury (Alexander Wilkins)
117 Innocks Mead/pasture, Mrs. Esther Yerbury (Herself)
118 Innorks Meat! / pasture. Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
119 House,garden, and premises, John Afford,leasehold under Col, William Miles(Himself)
120 Paddock/pasture, John Alford, leasehold under Col. William Miles (Himself)
121 Garden, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (Miss Eliz. Timbrell)
122 Orchard, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (John Alford)
123 Chantry Mead/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (John Alford)
124 Garden, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (Miss Elizabeth Timhrell)
125 Chantry House, lawn, and premises,Sir John Cam Hobhouse (Miss Elizabeth Timbrell)
126 Garden, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (Miss Elizabeth Timbrell)
127 Plantation, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (Miss Elizabeth Timbrell)
128 Five houses, Samuel Batchelor {Benj. Edwards & others)
129 House, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (Miss Elizabeth Timbrell)
130 House, Thomas Hopkins (Himself)
131 House, James, George & John Marks(Themselves)
132 Three tenements, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (Miss Elizabeth Timbrell}
133 Three tenements, George Broad (Eliz. Baker & others)
134 Three houses, John Mundy (Himself)
135 Five houses, James Batten (Thos. Hibberd & others)
136 Six houses, Mrs. Mary Matthews (Herself)
137 Two houses, Thos. & Alfred Butterworth (William Love Sc others)
138 House, George Martin (Himself)
139 Four houses, Benjamin Spender (Himself)
140 [White] Lion Inn, and house, John CotlSe (James and Hazell Chapman)
141 Three houses, Thomas Stratton (Himself)
142 Rope -Walk, Ezckiel Edmonds (Edward Taylor)
143 Stable, and garden, Ezekiel Edmondf. (John Dory)
144 Garden, Ezekiel Edmonds (Cornelius Taylor)
145 Garden, and stable, Ezekiel Edmonds (Himself)
146 Garden, Ezekiel Edmonds (Himself)
147 Garden, Ezckiel Edmonds (Himself)
148 Abbey weaving shops, Ezekiel Edmonds (Himself)
149 House [school]. Trustees of Free School, Bradford (Themselves)
150 Five houses, and gardens, Rev. Henry Harvey; Vicarial Glebe (Himself)
151 Tenement, stable, and close adjoining/ pasture, Ezekiel Edmonds (Himsel£)
152 National School
152a Garden,Ezckicl Edmonds (George Martin)
153 The Vicarage house, and garden,Rev. Henry Harvey; Vicarial Glebe{Himself. [Used as Curate's residence])
154 Parish Church, and churchyard,Rev. Henry Harvey; Vicarial (Himself)
155 House, lawn, and garden, Ezekiel Edmonds (Himself)
156 Dwelling house, clothing factory, shops, dye house, and premises, L'zekiel and John Edmonds (Themselves.)
) 57 House, and shops, Charles Washington Lovegtnve (Himself)
158 House, and shops, Aaron Bishop (Himself)
159 House. William Taylor (William Blackler)
160 Waggon house, Mrs. Ann Reyner (Herself)
161 House, and garden, Miss Elizabeth Timbrell (John Comely)
162 House, Charles Spackman (HimselQ
163 Three houses, Mrs. Ann Rayner [Reyner] (Herself)
164 House, factory, 3nd premises, Benjamin Glass (Joseph Rawling)
165 Swan Inn, John Deverell (William Hale)
166 House, William Collar (Himself)
167 House, Charles Spackman (Himself)
168 House, Thomas Shewell Bail ward, Esq. (WilliamStcvens)
169 House [White Hart], Sarah Spender (Heisclf)
170 House, Mrs. Joanna Pngh (Herself)
171 House [Royal Oak], Maria Kisher (David Mai shinan [tenant, John Long;])
172 House, Reps, of John Bains
173 Two houses, William Taylor (John Rlai-kler)
174 Six houses, Charles Washington Lovegrove (Himself [tenants, Fanny Willshire & others])
175 Four houses, Mrs. Ann Little (Herself)
176 House, William Willshire (Himself)
177 The Bank, garden, and premises,Wm. Henry Hobhouse, Esq., Johnson Phillott and Charles lewder (Themselves)
178 Ship Inn, John Ray ncs Hay ward (Himself [tenant Thomas Hedges])
179 Six tenements [part of Old Church House], Thos. fc Alfred Butterworth (William IiOVcS: Others)
180 Hou.se, and malt house, Reps, of John Bains
181 Three houses, and old shops, Ezekiel & John Edmonds (Themselves)
182 House, and premises, Thos. Shewell Bailward, Esq. (James Pearce)
183 Carden, Thos. Shewell Bailward, Esq.(James Pearce)
184 House, and garden, Frederick White (George Summers [sub-tenant, William Kcndall])
185 House, and garden, Thomas Wheeler (William Merrick)
186 Yard & stables, Thos. Hosier Saunders, Esq. (Himself)
187 Dwelling house, lawn, and plantation, Thos. Hosier Saunders, Esq. (Himself)
188 House, William Bullock (Himself)
189 House, James Batchclor (Himself)
190 House, Joseph Rawling (Himself [tenant. Charles Leonard])
191 House, Mary Batten (Herself fc others)
192 Two houses, Samuel Evcrett (Himself)
193 Three houses, and garden, Robert John Purnclt, Esq. (Himself)
194 Garden, Robert John Pui-nctl, Esq. (Himself)
195 House [with office of North Wilts. Banking Co.], James Crisp (John Tatliam [or Ta tarn])
196 Two houses, John Wasificld (Himself)
197 Six houses. Col. William Miles (Himself)
198 Garden, Col. William Miles (John Velvin Sc others)
199 Gardens & premises, Col. Willinm Miles (Himself)
200 Four houses, Richard Grist (James King & others)
201 House, and four tenements, William Punsdon (Himself fe others)
202 Two tenements and garden, William Taylor (Himself)
203 House, James Budget! (Himself & others)
204 Two houses, James Budgett (Himself and others)
205 House, Thomas Smart (Himself)
206 House, lawn, and garden, James Budget t (Himself Mothers)
207 House, James Sims (Himself)
208 House, Elizabeth Huntley (Herself)
209 House, and garden, William Fifield Adye (James Jones)
210 House, JamesSims (Himself)
211 House, William Fifield Adye (James Jones)
212 House, Elizabeth Huntley (Herself)
213 Two houses, Luke Withcy (Himself)
214 House, George Newman (Himself)
215 House, and yard, Francis Henry James(John Cayford)
216 Garden, Francis Henry James (James Bancroft & others)
217 House, garden, and tenement. Posthumous Bush (Himself & others
218 Six tenements. Posthumous Bush (Himself & others)
219 Garden, Francis Henry James (James Bancroft & others)
220 Garden, Francis Henry James (James Bancroft Sc others)
221 Kind's Head, and premises, Francis Henry James (James Bancroft [Francis Jenkins] & others)
222 Paddock, Lord Mcthuen (Thomas Taylor)
223 House, and garden, Lord Methuen (Thomas Taylor)
224 Garden, Charles Spackman (Thomas Spackman, Jun.)
225 House, lawn, shops, & premises, Charles Spackman (Thomas Spackman, Jun.)
226 Wesleyan Chapel, burial ground, and minister's house, Trustees of the Wesleyan Society (Themselves)
227 House, and garden, Trustees of theWesleyan Society (Themselves)
228 Seven houses, and garden, Robert John Purnell, Esq. (Himself)
229 House, and yard, John Deverell (William Hale jnr.)
230 Three houses, William Collar (Himself)
231 Eight tenements, Thomas Raily (Himself)
232 House, and warehouse, Robert John Powell, Esq. (himself)
233 House,Thomas Sewell Bailward,Esq. (Thomas Smart)
234 House, Thomas Smart (Himself)
235 House, Sophia Velvin (John Velvin)
236 House, Mary Perry (Herself)
237 House, James Ciisp (John Tatliam [Tntam])
238 House, John Warraan (Himself)
339 House [King's Arms], Reps, of John Bains ([Richard Hole])
240 Yard, and buildings, John Dike (Himself)
241 House, stable, and garden, James Pearce
242 House, Isaac CIegg (John Caish)
243 House, James Kcivell [Kccvil] (Himself)
244 House, Mis. Margaret Gay (John Alford)
245 House, Reps, of John Bains, (—)
246 House, James Pike ([Himself?])
247 House, George, Thomas & John Spencer (Themselves)
248 House, John Newbeury (Himself)
249 New Bear Inn, George, Thomas & John Spencer(themselves employing Ann Mundy)
250 House, Mrs. Sarah Howe (Herself)
251 Brewery, and premises, George, Thomas & John Spencer (Themselves)
252 House, and garden, George, Thomas fc John Spencer (T hemsclves)
253 Three houses, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq. (Thomas Wheeler)
254 Two houses, John Rummiiig (Himself)
255 House, Miss Ann Nicholson (Herself)
256 House, John Rumming (Himself)
257 House, and garden, William Taylor Richard Bladder)
258 Two houses, Henry Poulsom (Himself)
259 Six tenements, William Adye (Himself & others)
260 House. James Fricker (Himself)
261 House, shops, and two tenements, Robert Harris (John Comely)
262 Three houses, James Batten (Thomas Hihberd & others)
263 House, and tenement, Charles Court (Himself)
264 House, and six tenements, Joseph Cross (Himself Mothers)
265 Five tenements, William Taylor (Richard Blacker)
266 Three houses, Mary Batten (Herself & others)
267 Two homes, and garden, Jasper Gay (Isaac Weeks)
268 Four tenements, Isaac Welchman (William Bowyer & others)
268aOrchard, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq.(Himself)
268b House, and garden, William Bush (Joseph Bainton)
269 Garden, Rees Jones (John Blackmore)
270 Two tenements, Rees Jones (John Blackmore)
271 Four houses, William Bush (Joseph Bainton)
272 Part of Dead House/pasture, Thomas Watkin Forster, Esq. (John Harding)
273 Lady Mead /garden, John Spencer (James Johnson)
274 Part of Tazely/pasture, Henry Viveash Baskerville. Esq. (James Crisp)
275 Dummers/pasture.Rev. John Hopkins Bradney (Ann Vennell)
275a Three houses, garden, and old factory[incl. George Inn], Thomas Jefferies (John Bull & others)
275b Six tenements, and garden. Grace Dole (Herself)
275c Garden, Grace Dole (Thomas James)
276 Garden, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq.(James Chapman)
277 Figure of Seven/pasture, Thomas Shewell Bailward.Esq. (ThomasSmart)
278 Clay Ground/pas ture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (James Crisp)
279 —/pasture, James Perks Rennison (William Dix)
280 Twelve Acres in Kingsfield/arable.Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
281 —/pasture, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq.(Himself)
282 Part of Kingsficld/arable, Earl Manvers(John and William Newhettry)
283 Field near Holt Road/pasture, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq. (Himself)
284 '-"-/pasture, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq. (James Crisp)
285 Stock Mead/plantation, and withies.Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq. (Himself)
286 —/pasture, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq. (James Crisp)
287 Da ngcrfield/pasture, John Spencer (Isaac Matthews)
288 Dangerficld/pasture, John Spencer (Isaac Matthews)
289 Two collages, and gardens. Earl Manvers (John Hayward)
290 Wood Ground/pasture, Earl Manvers (John &: William Newbeury)
291 Wood Ground/pasture, Rev. Edward Edgell (Job Pocock)
292 Lentwix/pasture, Rev. Edward Edgell (Job Pocock)
293 In Muchell Mead/pasture. Rev. Edward Edgell (Job Pocock)
294 In Muchell Mead/pasture. Rev. Edward Edghill(Job Pocock)
294a Hangman's Acre/pasture, Rev. Edward Edgell (Job Pocock)
294b —/pasture. Rev. Edward Edgell (Job Pocock)
295 Bradford Wood, Earl Manvers (Himself)
296 Part of Ansley's Mead /pasture, Earl Manvcrs (John & William Ncwbeury)
297 Wood Ground/arable. Earl Manvers (John & William Newbeury)
298 Dry Ground/arable, Earl Manvers (John & William Newbeury)
299 Little Paddock/pasture, Earl Manvers (John 8: William Ncwbeury)
300 House Ground/pasture, Earl Manvers (John & William Newbcury)
301 Bushy Leazc/pasture. Earl Manvers (John & William Newbeury)
302 Bradford Wood, Earl Manvers (Himself)
303 Eight Acres/pasture. Earl Manvers (John & William Newbeury)
304 Twelve Acres/pasture, Earl Manvers (John S: William Ncwbeury)
305 Shepherds Leazcj pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
306 The Watering Flare /pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhou.se (George Spencer)
307 In Yea Mead/pasture, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq. (George Spencer)
308 Five Acres Piece/ pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
309 InYen Mead/pasture,Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
310 InYen Mead/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
311 Five Acres Piece/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
312 In Yea Mead/ pasture, Earl Manvers (John & William Newbeury)
313 In Yea Mead/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
314 In Yea Mead/past lire. Earl Manvers (John S: William Newbeury)
315 In Yea Mead/pasture, Francis Jenkins (Himself)
316 In Yea Mead/pasture,Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
317 In Yea Mead/pasture. Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
318 In Yea Mead/pasture, Earl Manvers (John & William Newbcury)
319 Ten Acre Piece/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
320 In Yea Mead/pasture. Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
321 Ten Acre Piece/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer
322 In Yea Mead/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
322a Way Half/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
323 Oxford Acre/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
324 Prander Moor Piece /pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhoiisc (George Spencer)
325 In Yea Mead/past ure, Thomas Hosier Sannders, Esq. (George Spencer)
326 In Yea Mead/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
327 Bellows Ground/arable, Francis Jenkins (Himself)
328 In Kingsfield/arable.Sir John Cam HobHouse (George Spencer)
329 In Kingsfield/pasture, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq. (Himself)
330 In Kingsfickl/arable. Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
330a [In Kingsfield]/arable, Earl Manvers (John & William Newbeury)
331 Turnip Ground/arable, Earl Manvers (John & William Newbeury)
332 Kings Cross Tining/arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
333 Bradford Wood Lane/pas lure, Earl Manvers (John & William Newbeury)
334 Rowe Hill/pasture, Earl Manvers (John & William Newbeury)
335 Rowe Hill/pasture, Earl Manvers (John & William Newbeury)
336 Withy Bed/withies, Earl Manvers (John k William Newbeury)
337 Part of Nine Acres/arable, Earl Manvers (John S; William Newbeury)
338 Part of Nine Acres/arable. Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
339 In the Six Acres/arable, Earl Manvers (John S; William Newbeury)
340 In the Six Acres/arable, Mrs. Ann Richardson (John & William Newbeury)
341 In the Six Acres/ arable, Earl Manvers (John fc William Newbeury)
342 In the Six Acres/arable, Bartlett Little (John S; William Newbeury)
343 In the Six Acres/arable, Mrs. Ann Richardson (John & William Newbeury)
344 In the Six Acres/arable, Earl Manvers (John & William Newbeury)
345 Wall Paddock/pasture, John Bush, Esq. (Benjamin Matthews)
346 In Salt Acre/ pasture, Eail Manvers ([John 8; William Newbeury?])
347 Chandlers Tilling/pasture, Earl Manvers (John fc William Newbeury)
348 Great Mead /pasture, Earl Manvers (John fc William Newbeury)
349 Conigre/ pasture, Earl Manvers (John fc William Newbeury)
350 Kingston Farm House and homestead.Earl Manvers (John & William Newbeury)
351 Grab Ground/pasture, Earl Manvers (John & William Newbeury)
352 Two houses, and gardens, John Bush, Esq.(Benjamin Matthews)
353 Field/pasture, John Bush, Esq.(Benjamin Matthews)
354 House, garden, and plantation, John Bush, Esq. (Benjamin Matthews)
355 Garden, and quarry, Rep. of Thomas Bush(-)
356 Tile Pit/pasture, Mary Batten (Herself & others)
357 Kingsfield/pasture, Mary Batten (Herself & others)
358 House, and garden, Charles Mills (Himself)
359 Two houses, and garden, Thomas Mizen (Himself)
360 Garden, Mary Batten (Herself & others)
361 Garden, Mary Batten (Herself 8: others)
362 House, and garden, William Glass (Himself)
363 Orchard, and paddork, Robert Harris(Himself)
364 Kingston Cottage, Robert Harris (Himself)
365 Five tenements, John Bush, Esq. (Benjamin Matthews)
366 Dwelling House, and lawn/garden. Arthur Adyc (Himself)
367 Garden, and premises, Arthur Adye (Himself)
368 Orchard, and plantation, Arthur Adye (Himself)
369 Garden, Arthur Adye (Himself)
370 Garden, Arthur Adye (Himself & others)
371 Two houses, Arthur Adye (Himself fe others)
372 House, Arthur Adyc (Himself S: others)
373 Three houses, and yard, John Briscoe, Esq. (John Dyke [or Dike])
374 Two houses, John Briscoe, Esq. (John Dyke [or Dike])
375 House, garden, yard, and premises,
376 Arthur Adye (Himself & others)
377 House, William Adye (Himself & others)
378 House, Reps of John Bains (—)
379 House, John Bubb (Thomas Mizen)
380 House, and garden, Miss Mary Overbury /(Mary Savage)
381 House, and garden, Miss Mary Overbury /(Mary Savage)
382 Garden, Mrs. Ann Richardson (John S; William Ncwbeury)
383 House, and shops, Mrs. Ann Richardson (John £.- William Newbciiry)
384 • Garden, Reps, of Thomas Divett (Samuel Pitman)
385 Orchard, Reps, of Thomas Divett (Samuel Pitman)
386 Yard, garden, and buildings, Reps, of Thomas Divett (Samuel Pitman)
387 Garden, Reps, of Thomas Divett (Samuel Pitman)
388 Kingston House, and garden, Reps, of Thomas Divett (Samuel Pitman)
389 Seven tenements, yard, and Paddock,Reps, of Thomas Divett (Samuel Pitman)
390 Dye house. Reps, of Thomas Divett (Samuel Pitman)
391 Clothing Mill, mill pond, and paddock/ pasture, Robert John Purnell, Esq. (Himself)
39* Garden, and buildings, Robert John Purnell, Esq. (Himself)
393 Drying ground, Robert John Purnell, Esq. (Himself)
394 Drying ground. Reps, of Thomas Divett (Samuel Pitman)
395 Great Factory, mill pond, and roads. Reps, of Thomas Divett (Samuel Pitman)
396 Drying ground. Reps, of Thomas Divett (Samuel Pitman)
397 Cottage, and garden. Reps, of Thomas Divett (Samuel Pitman)
398 Smith's shop, and garden, Reps, of Thomas Divett (Samuel Pitman)
399 Vard, and buildings, Reps, of Thomas Bush
400 Garden, Reps, of Thomas Bush (—)
401 House, Reps, of Thomas Bush (—)
402 Workshops in Mill Street, John Bush, Esq. (Benjamin Matthews)
403 Garden, John Bush, Esq. (Benjamin Matthews)
404 House, and yard. John Bush, Esq. (Benjamin Matthews)
405 Gardens, John Bush, Esq. (Benjamin Matthews)
406 House, Mrs. Ann Richardson (John fc William Newbeury)
407 House, William Tuckey [Tucker?] (Himself)
408 Four tenements, John Ings Bath (Himself)
409 Five houses, John Eclmonds (Himself)
410 Two houses, Francis Yerbury, Esq. (Alexander Wilkins)
411 House, John Dike (Himself)
412 Old Bear Inn,and premises, Philip Cadby (James Portch)
413 Two houses, George Randall Orchard ([Himself?])
414 House, William Harding (VOID)
415 Two houses, James Parsons (Himself)
416 Home, John Bush, Esq. (Benjamin Matthews)
417 House, Samuel Pitman (Himself)
418 House, yard, and premises, Samuel Pitman (Himself)
419 House, yard, and premises, Samuel Pitman (Himself)
420 House, Thomas Shewell Bailward, Esq.(Job Bubb)
421 House, Ann Chapman {James Chapman)
422 House, Henry Poulsom (Himself)
423 House, and warehouse, James Budgett (Himself Mothers)
424 House, and shops, Miss Elizabeth Timbrell (John Comely)
425 Two houses, John Newbeury (Himself)
426 House, and garden, John Shrapnell (Himself)
427 Lamb Inn, and house, Joseph Willis([Benjamin Matthews])
428 The Blind House [on Bridge]
429 House, lawn, garden, and premises.Charles Timbrell (Himself)
430 Yard, and premises, Charles Timbrell
431 House, and garden, Charles Timbrell (Charles Spackman)
432 The British School
433 House, and two tenements. Miss Elizabeth Edwards (Henry Fricker)
434 House, garden, and two tenements. Miss Mary Ann Head (Herself & others)
434a Timber yard. Miss Mary Ann Head (Herself & others)
435 Orchard, and paddock. Miss Mary Ann Head {Herself & others)
435a Garden, Miss Mary Ann Head (Herself & others)
436 House, and shops, Reps, of John Bains (—)
437 House, George liurtombe (Dinah Long)
438 House, and garden, Sam., Thos., Geo.& John Bethel (Thomas Hopkins)
439 Two houses, and two tenements, William Shrapnell (Thos. Lloyd & others)
440 House, Thomas Silcox (Himself)
441 Two houses, John Derrett (Himself)
442 Two houses, John Smith ([Himself?])
443 Three Horse Shoes Inn, garden, and premises, Charles Grist (Himself)
444 Yard, and shops, John Wastfield (Himself)
445 Old Poor House, Bradford Parish Officers (John ForMer)
446 Garden, Bradford Parish Officers (John Forster)
447 Cross Keys Inn, and two tenements, Richard Pearce ([James Martin])
448 Garden, Earl Manvers (Himself)
449 Almshouse
450 Baptist Chapel, and two houses, Trustees of the Bapt. Soc. (Thomas Fricker & others)
451 House, and two tenements, Reps, of John Bains (—)
452 House, and garden, Richard Stent (Himself)
453 House, Ann Rayner [Reyner] (Herself)
454 House, Dinah Long (Herself)
455 House, James Batten (Thos. Hibberd fc others)
456 Two houses, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (Joseph Channing Pearce & others)
457 House, and garden, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (Joseph Channing Pearce & others)
458 Garden, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (Joseph Channing Pearce & others)
459 Four tenements, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (Joseph Channing Pearrc & others)
460 Queen's Head Inn, and premises, Col. William Miles (James Crisp)
461 House, Edward Tugwell Lawrence (John Rccs Jones)
462 House, Thomas Hosier Saimders (Thomas Wheeler)
463 Two houses, Richard Ncwinan (Himself)
464 House, Samuel NichoIIs (Himself)
465 Two houses, William Collar (Himself)
466 Three houses, John Purnell (Himself)
467 Two tenements, and gardens, William Coles (Himself & others)
468 Two tenements, and gardens, William Coles (Himself & others)
469 House, and three tenements, Thomas Clc[a]velaiid (Himself)
470 House, yard, and premises, Stephen Mizen (Himself)
471 House, and garden, Charles Melsom (Himself)
472 House,garden and shops, Thomas Martin (himself)
473 House,garden and shops, Thomas Martin (himself)
474 Two houses, Mrs. Ann Melsom (Herself)
475 Three houses, James Moody (Himself)
476 Two tenements, Mrs. Ann Rayner (Herself)
477 Two houses, George Humphries [Humphreys] (Himself)
478 House, John Parfiti (Himself)
479 Two houses, John Smith (Himself)
480 Eight tenements, James Budgett (Himself & others)
481 House, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (Joseph Channing Pearce)
482 Stable, and yard. Gen. Henry Shrapnell (Joseph Channing Pearce & others)
483 House, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (Joseph Channing Pearce & others)
484 Three houses, John Smith (Himself)
485 Five tenements, Mrs. Ann Rayner [Reyner] (Herself)
486 House, Thomas Spackman, Jim. (Himself)
487 House, Isaac Green (Himself)
488 Three houses, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (Joseph Channing Pearce & others)
489 Five houses, Rees Jones (John Blackmore)
490 Four houses, Reps, of John Bains (—)
491 House, Trustees of the independent Society (Themselves)
49! House, Charles Cadby (Himself)
493 House, Mary Cadby (Herself)
494 Two houses. Trustees of the Independent Society (Themselves)
495 House, Mary Cadby (Herself)
496 Ten tenements Mrs. Ann Little (Herself)
497 Two houses, William Shrnpncll (Himself)
498 Two houses, Mrs. Sarah Gale (Herself & Others)
499 House, Mrs. Ann Richardson (William JL-John Newbeury)
500 Three houses, Joyce Green (Herself)
501 Three houses, William Woods (Himself)
502 Two houses, James Huntley (Himself)
503 House, ;md garden, John Bromham (Himself)
504 Five tenements, William Dunsdon (Himself & others)
505 Six tenements, George Humphries [Humphreys] (Himself)
506 Four houses, Samuel NicholLs (Himself)
507 House, Mrs. Sarah Gale (Herself S: others)
508 Garden, Mrs. Sarah Gale (Herself & others)
509 House, Mrs. Harriet Rclph (Herself)
510 Garden, Mrs. Harriet Relph (Herself)
511 French Grass/gardens, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
512 French Grass/gardens, Sir John CamHobhouse (George Spencer)
513 Garden, Rev. Joseph Rodway (Himself)
514 House, Rev. Joseph Rodway (Himself)
515 Independent Chapel and Schoolroom, Trustees of the Inclep. Soc. (Themselves)
516 House, and garden, Robert Mundy (Himself)
517 Hou.se, James Baker (John Humphries)
518 Two tenements, Reps, of John Bains (Themselves)
519 House, garden, and three tenements,' Trustees of the Baptist Soc. (Thos. Frickcr & others)
520 Garden, Trustees of the Baptist Soc. (Thos. Fricker & others)
521 Three houses. Trustees of the Baptist Soc. (Thos. Fricker & others)
522 Five tenements, Col. William Miles (James Crisp)
523 French Grass /gardens. Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
524 French Grass/gardens. Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
525 House, and garden, Mrs. Harriet Relph(Herself)
526 French Grass/gardens, Sir John Cam Hobhouse {George Spencer)
527 Garden, Samuel Nirholls (Himself)
528 Two houses, Samuel NichoIIs (Himself)
529 Garden, James Keivell [Keevil] (Himself)
530 Four tenements, James Keivell [Keevil
531 Garden, James Keivell [Keevil] (Himself)
532 Garden, Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
533 Garden, Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
534 Garden, Thomas Wheeler (Himslf)
535 Garden, James Keivell [Keevil] (Himself)
536 Garden, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
537 Q'mrry, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
538 Garden, Charles Cadby (Himself)
539 Paddock/pas tu re, Charles Cadby (Himself)
540 House, and garden, Charles Cadby (Himself)
541 House, and garden, Miss Mary Ann Head (Herself S; others)
542 Garden, James Keivell [Keevil] (Himself)
543 House, and garden, Joseph Sainsbury (Himself fc others)
544 Two houses, and gardens, George Duck (Himself)
545 Two houses, and gardens, James Canning (Thomas Aland It others)
546 House, garden, and premises, Gideon Pricker (Himself S: others)
547 Three tenements, and gardens, Gideon Fricker (Himself & Others)
548 Seven houses, and gardens, William Collar (Himself)
549 Seven houses, and gardens, William Collar (Himself)
550 Malthouse, and premises, William Coles (Himself & others)
551 Garden, William Coles (Himself & others)
552 House, and foundry, William Coles (Himself & others)
553 House, and garden William Coles (Himself 8: others)
554 House, and garden William Coles (Himself S: others)
555 Three houses, Richard Cleveland Phillips and William Legg (Themselves)
556 House, and garden, Richard Cleveland Phillips and William Legg (Themselves)
557 House, and garden, Richard Cleveland Phillips and William Legg (Themselves)
558 House, and garden, Richard Cleveland Phillips and William Legg (Themselves)
559 House, and garden, Richard Cleveland Phillips and William Legg (Themselves)
560 House, and garden, Richard Cleveland Phillips and William Legg (Themselves)
561 House, and garden, Richard Cleveland Phillips and William Legg (Themselves)
562 House, and garden, Richard Cleveland Phillips and William Legg (Themselves)
563 House, and garden, Richard Cleveland Phillips and William Legg (Themselves)
564 Three houses, Richard Cleveland Phillips and William Legg (Themselves)
565 Two houses, Richard Cleveland Phillips and William Legg (Themselves)
566 Five houses, Richard Cleveland Phillips and William Legg (Themselves)
567 House, and garden, Richard Cleveland Phillips and William Legg (William Taytor)
568 Four houses, and garden, Joseph Sahisbury (Himself Mothers)
569 Three houses, and gardens, Edward Wilton (Himself)
570 In Avon Field/arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
571 Stumps Cross/pasture, Thomas Hosier Saundcrs, Esq. (Thomas Wheeler)
572 Great Wall Mead/plantation and withies. Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq. (Himself)
573 —/arable, Mary Batten (Herself & others)
574 [Not entered; but see below],
574a At Stumps Cross/pasture, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
574b At Slumps Cross/ pasture, Thomas Hosier Saundcrs, Esq. (William Applegate)
575 Avon FieId /arable. Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
576 Part of a house, weaving shop, and garden, Charles S pack man (Thos. Spackman, Jim.)
577 Card en, Thos. She well Railward, Esq. (Benjamin Matthews)
578 Field against Poul ton/pasture, Thos. Shewell Bailward, Esq. (Benjamin Matthews)
579 —/pasture, Richard & John Bethel (Richard Blackmore)
580 Malthouie, S: tenements, Richard &: John Bethel (Richard Blackmorc)
581 House, garden, and orchard, Richard S: John Bethel (Thomas Spackman)
582 —/pasture, Richard & John Bethel (Isaac Matthews)
583 —/pasture, Richard & John Bethel (Isaac Matthews)
584 Paddock /arable. Miss Mary Ann Head (Herself & others)
585 Pipler Ground/pasture, Louisa Timbrell and ChailesSpackman (Charles Spackman)
386 Part of Basse its/pasture. Thomas Wheeler (Richard Blackmore)
587 Basse tts/ pas lure, Richard & John Bethel (Richard Blatkmore)
588 Little I'onlton/pasture, Thomas Spackman,Sen. (Richard Blackmore)
589 LittlePonlton/pasture, Thomas Spackman, Sen. (Richard Blackmore)
590 Great Poulton Field/arable, Sir John CamHobouse (George Spencer)
590a Quarry in Poulton Field, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
591 Quarry, Kcnnett & Avon Canal Company (Themselves)
592 Yard, Kcnnett fc Avon Canal Company (Themselves)
593 Gas Works, and garden, Bradford Gas Company (Themselves)
594 House, and wharf, James Parsons (Himself)
595 House, and yard. John Aurclius Rew (Himself)
596 Yard, and tenements, Kcnnett & Avon Canal Company (Themselves)
597 Yard, and sheds. Trustees of the Almshouses (Themselves)
598 Almshouses, Trustees of the Almshouses (Themselves)
599 Coal Yard, and tenement, Sir John Cam Hobhousc (George Spencer)
600 Pound Clo.se/pablure.SirJohn Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
601 Culver Close/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
602 Orchard, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
603 Two tenements. Sir John Cam Hobhouse (Charles Smith & others)
604 Two tenements, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (Charles Smith & others)
605 The Manor Pound
606 Garden, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (William Hale)
607 Barton Farm House, garden, and homestead/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer
608 Barton Farm House, garden, and homestead/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer
609 Grip Hill Close/pasture, Earl Manvers (George Spencer)
610 Upper Grip Hill/pasture, Earl Manvers (George Spencer)
611 Great Winterleys / arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
612 In Great Winterleys/arable, Earl Manvers (George Spencer)
613 In Winter leys/arable, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq. (George Spencer)
614 In Great Winterleys/arable, Earl Manvers (George Spencer)
615 In Great Winter leys/arable, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (George Spencer)
616 Grip Wood/wood, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (George Spencer)
617 —/arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
618 —/arable, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (George Spencer)
619 —/arable, Earl Manvers (George Spencer)
620 —/arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse(George Spencer)
621 Grip Wood/wood, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
622 Great Ray Mead/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
623 Near Ray Mead/arable, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (George Spencer)
624 Little Ray Mead / arable, Sir John CamHobhouse (George Spencer)
625 In Ray Mead/arable, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (George Spencer)
626 Upper Ray Mead/arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
627 In Winterleys/arable, Earl Manvers (George Spencer)
628 —/arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
629 Patch Close/arable, Earl Manvers (George Spencer)
630 Little Winterleys / arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
631 Strip in Winterleys/arable, Earl Manvers (George Spencer)
632 "The Twelve Acres / pasture, Sam., Thos., Geo., & John Bethel (John Rees Jones)
633 Strip near Westwood/arable, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
634 Field near Westwood / pasture, Sam., Thos., Geo., & John Bethel (John Rees Jones)
635 Part of the Twenty Acres/arable,Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
636 Elms Cross / arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
637 Part of Rough Close / pasture, Charles Spackman (Himself)
638 Little Park/ pasture, Charles Spackman (Himself)
639 The Nine Acres/pasture, Sam., Thos., Geo., &: John Bethel (John Rees Jones)
640 Paddock/pasture, Thomas Spackman, Jun. (Himself)
641 Paddock/pasture, Thomas Spackman,Jun. (Himself)
642 —/arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse(George Spencer)
643 —/ arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
644 Park Ground/pasture, Charles Spackman (Himself)
645 Alms House Ground / pasture, Trustees of the Almshouses (Charles Spackman)
646 Smoke Acre / arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
647 Orchard, Sam., Thos., Geo., & John Bethel (John Rees Jones)
648 Poor Ground /pasture, Charles Spackman (Himself)
649 The Nine Acres/arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
650 The Twenty Acres/arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
651 Great Velly's/arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
652 Short Platts/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
653 Picked Leaze / pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (John Davis)
654 Little Velly's/arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
655 Marsh Croft/ pasture.William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
656 Crab Tree Close/arable,William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
657 Shepherds Leaze Mead/pasture,William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
658 Further Shepherds Leaze/pasture,William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
659 Middle Shepherds Leaze/arable,William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
660 Near Shepherds Leaze/arable,William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
661 Top Down/pasture,William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
662 Avon Down/arable,William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
663 Middle Down/pasture.William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
664 South Down /pasture.William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
665 Home Field/pasture,William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
666 Barn Close/pasture,William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
667 Canal Field/pasture,William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
667a Little Mill Field/pasture.William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
668 Part of [Mill?] Field/pasture, Samuel Saltcr, Esq. (John Hosier)
669 Mill Field/pasture,William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
670 Lady Down Farm House, and homestead, William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
671 My t hern Meadow/pasture. Earl Manvers and William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
672 Part of Barn Close/pasture,William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
673 Mythern Meadow/pasture, Earl Manvers and William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
674 Cottage, and garden, Kennett & Avon Canal Company (John Sims)
675 Biss Mouth Meadow/pasture. Earl Manvers and William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
676 Wood Mead/pasture,William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
677 Dunwicks Mead/pasture.William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
678 In Common Ash Mead/ pasture, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
679 In Common Ash Mead/pasture, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
680 In Common Ash Mead/pasture, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
681 In Common Ash Mead/pasture. Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
682 In Common Ash Mead/pasture, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
683 Ash Meadow / pasture, Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
684 In Ash Mead Corner /pasture,Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
685 In Ash Mead Corner/pasture,Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
686 In Ash Mead Corner/pasture,Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
687 The Four Acres/pasture,William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
688 The Six Acres /pasture. Reps, of Thomas Tugwell, Esq. (William Baines)
689 The Six Acres/pasture. Reps, of Thomas Tugwell, Esq. (William Baines)
690 Part of Five Acres/pasture. Reps, of Thomas Tugwell, Esq. (William Baines)
691 The Nine Acres/arable, Reps, of Thomas Tugwell, Esq. (William Baines)
692 In Avon Field/arable, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
693 [In Avon Field]/arable,Mrs Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
694 [In Avon Field]/pasture,Mrs Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
695 [In Avon Field]/pasture, Mary Batten (John Dike [Dyke])
696 [In Avon Field]/pasture,Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
697 Withy Bed/withies, James Budgett (William Tucker)
698 Trow bridge Footpath Close/pasture, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
699 —/arable, Mary Batten (John Dike [Dyke])
700 Trowbiidge Footpath Ground /pasture, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
701 —/pasture. Miss Mary Ann Head (Thomas Wheeler)
702 —/pasture, Charles Spackman (Thomas Wheeler)
703 Garden Acre/gardens, Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
704 French Grass Ground/arable. Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
705 Field near Stumps Cross/arable,Ezekiel Edmonds, Jun. (Thomas Wheeler)
706 School Ground/arable.Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
707 Long Furlong/pasture, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
708 In Long Furlong/pasture,Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
709 Long Furlong/pasture,Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
710 Part of the Five Acres/pasture,Earl Maiivers (William Applegate)
711 Part of the Five Acres/pasture, Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
712 In Avon Field/pasture,Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
713 In Avon Field/pasture.Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
714 In Avon Field /pasture,Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
715 In Avon Field / pasture,Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
716 —/arable, Mary Batten (John Dike [Dyke))
717 —/pasture, Mary Batten (John Dike [Dyke])
718 In Great Tining/pasture,Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
719 In Great Tining/pasture,Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
720 In Great Tilling/pasture.Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
721 In Great Tining/pasture,Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
722 In Great Tilling/pasture,Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
723 In Great Tilling/pasture,Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
724 In the Folly Piece/arable.Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
725 In the Folly Piece/arable,Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
726 In the Folly Piece/arable,Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
727 In the Folly Piece/arable,Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
728 In the Folly Piece/arable.Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
729 In the Folly Piece/arable,Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
730 In Avon Field/arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (John Spcntcr)
731 Horsehouse Ground/pasture, Ezekieland John Edmonds (Thomas Wheeler)
733 Crab Tree Ground /pasture, Earl Manvers (Thomas Wheeler)
733 Crab Tree Ground/pasture. Earl Manvers (Thomas Wheeler)
734 In Little Wall Mead/pasture, Earl Manvers (Thomas Wheeler)
735 In Little Wall Mead/pasture,Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
736 In Little Wall Mead/pasture, Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
737 In Little Wall Mead/pasture,Earl Manvers (Thomas Wheeler)
738 In Little Wall Mead/pasture, Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
739 Third Sideland/ pasture,Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
740 Second Sideland/pasiine, Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
741 First Sideland/pasture,Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
742 Shoulder of Mutton Field /pasture, Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
743 Roadway, nnd part of Shoulder of Mutton Field/pasture Thomas Wheeler (Himself)
744 Greenland Orchard/past ure, Reps, of John Hiiuon (Yerbury, Edmonds & Co.)
745 Four tenements. Reps, of John Hint on (Yerbury, Edmonds & Co.)
746 Sideland, Reps, of John Hinton (Yerbury, Edmonds 8: Co.)
747 Greenland Factory, and land adjoining, Reps, of John Hinton (Yerbury, Edmonds & Co.)
748 Greenland Factory, and land adjoining, Reps, of John Hinton (Yerbury, Edmonds & Co.)
749 Greenland Mills, Drying Ground, andt wo tenements, Charles, John Fisher, and William Grist (Thomas Spackman)
750 Greenland Mills, Drying Ground, andt wo tenements, Charles, John Fisher, and William Grist (Thomas Spackman)
751 Garden, Miss Mary Ann Head (John Holloway)
752 Two houses, and garden, Samuel Nicholls(himself)
753 House, James Budget! (William Tucker)
754 Garden, William Taylor (Himself)
755 Yard, William Taylor (Himself)
756 Yard, William Taylor (Himself)
757 Garden, William Taylor (Himself)
758 Four houses, and gardens, James Budgett (Himself)
759 Yard, and shops, Sarah Spender (Thomas Spender)
760 Garden, William Taylor (Himself)
761 Dye House, and .shed, William Taylor (Himself)
762 Field, Holt Road/pasture. Reps, of John Jones (Thomas Davis)
763 [Sevenfields] House, garden, and part of The Lawn, Rev. Henry Harvey (Himself)
764 Pad dock/pasture. Rev. Henry Harvey(Himself)
765 Two houses, and garden, James Budgett(VOID)
766 Gardens, Joseph Harvey (Himself)
767 Five houses. Rev. James Tackle (Himself)
768 House, and garden, Isaac Batten (Himself)
769 Gardener's Cottage, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq. (Himself)
770 Workshops, Reps, of Thomas Divett (VOID)
771 Three tenements, Thomas Hopkins (William Alloway)
772 House, and garden, William Taylor (Rev, William Gear)
773 Garden, Sarah Rogers (Herself)
774 House, and garden, Sarah Rogers (Herself)
775 Plantation, and nursery, Earl Manvcrs (Himself)
776 House, workshops, and limhcr yard, Earl Manvers (Himself)
777 House, and garden, Kennett £: Avon Canal Company (Ebenezer Chapman)
778 Tenement, and wharf, Kennett fc Avon Canal Company ([Themselves])
779 Two houses, and garden, Herbert Bird (Isaac Edmunds and John Long)
780 Alms House Hill/pasture, Isaac Jones (Himself)
781 Part of Grip Hill Close/pasture.Earl Manvers (George Spencer)
782 Grip Wood/wood, Earl Manvers (Himself)
783 Field at Alms House Hill/pasture, Miss Elizabeth Timbrell (Thomas Spackman)
784 Field at Alms House Hill/pasture, Thomas Spackman (Himself)
785 Garden, William Slug (Himself)
786 Sideling Acre/arable, Thomas Hosier Saunders, Esq. (Himself)
787 Strip near the Barge Inn/garden, Earl Manvers (George Spencer)
788 Barge Inn, and garden, George & Thomas Spencer (Wm. Henry Sainsbury)
789 Malthouse, and orchard, George S; Thomas Spencer (George Spencer)
790 Garden by Rowden Lane, Earl Manvers (George Spencer)
791 Garden, Charles Spackman (ThomasTanner)
792 Garden, Charles Spackman (Thomas Tanner)
793 Penny's Moors/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhou.se (George Spencer)
794 —/pasture, Kennett & Avon Canal Company (Richard Travers Way)
795 Baileys Barn Piece /pasture, Gen. Henry Shrapiicll (John Da vis)
796 UpperSt. Margaret's Moor/pasture, Charles Spackman (Himself)
797 Figure of Seven/pasture, Charles Timbrell (Himself)
798 Moor Leaze/ pasture, George Burcombe (Charles Timbrell and Charles Spackman)
799 In Little P on 1 ton /pasture, Charles Spat km an (Himself)
800 Folly Field, Charles Spackman (Benjamin Matthews)
801 House, Richard fe John Bethel (Thomas Weston)
802 Garden, Richard & John Bethel (John Winslow)
803 Nine tenements, Richard & John Bethel (John Winslow)
804 Field, and garden /pasture, Earl Manvers (Isaac Matthews)
805 Home Fie Id/pasture, James Hooper (Himself)
806 Cottage, Mary Foot (Herself)
807 Strip/pasture, Sam., Thos., Geo., &; John Bethel (Richard Travers Way)
808 —/pasture, James Mizen (Himself)
809 In Little Field / arable, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (John Davis)
810 In Little Field/arable, Reps, of Charles Long (James Vincent)
811 In Little Field/arable, Earl Manvers(William Applegate)
812 In Little Field/arable, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (John Davis)
813 Paddock/arable, Kennett & Avon Canal Company (James Mizen)
814 Close in Little Field/arable, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
815 Tining/arable, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (John Davis)
816 Close in Little Field/pasture, Earl Manvers (William Baines)
817 The Moors/pasture, Reps, of Thos. Tugwell, Esq. (John Dory)
818 Part of The Moors /pasture, Reps, of Thos. Tugwell, Esq. (John Dory)
819 Paddock / pasture, Reps, of Thos.Baines
820 Paddock/arable, George Spry (John Davis)
821 The Moors / pasture, Reps, of Thos.Tugwell, Esq. (William Baines)
822 [The Moors?] /pasture, Reps, of Thos.Tugwell, Esq. (William Baines)
823 Part of a Field/pasture, Earl Manvers(William Baines)
824 Prentice/pasture, Gen. Henry Shrapnell(John Davis)
825 New Leaze / pasture, William Welch(James Mizen)
826 Beech Croft /pasture, Earl Manvers(William Applegate)
827 Beech Croft/pasture, Earl Manvers(William Applegate)
828 [Beech Croft/pasture?], [Earl Manvers?]([William Applegate?])
829 Rowden Hill Close/pasture, Earl Manvers(William Applegate)
830 Beech Croft/pasture, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
831 Beech Croft/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (William Redman)
832 Beech Croft/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (William Redman)
833 The Mead/pasture, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
834 Widbrook Farm House, garden, & homestead, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
835 Clover Ground/arable, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
836 Little Ground/arable, Reps, of Thos. Tugwell, Esq. (William Baines)
837 In Little Field/arable, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
838 In Little Field/arable, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (John Davis)
839 In Little Field/arable, Reps, of Thos. Tugwell, Esq. (William Baines)
840 In Little Field/arable, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (John Davis)
841 In Little Field/arable, Reps, of Thos. Tugwell, Esq. (William Baines)
842 Garden, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
843 —/arable, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
844 House, and yard, Kennett & Avon Canal Company (James Mizen)
845 —/pasture, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (John Davis)
846 Field/pasture, Thomas Smart (Richard Blackmore)
847 —/arable, Joseph Blinman ([Himself?])
848 Part of Five Acres/arable, Reps, of Thos. Tugwell, Esq. (Thomas Baines)
849 —/pasture, Earl Manvers (James Erwood)
850 Old Roadway/[pasture], Mrs. Ann Richardson (James Erwood)
851 House, and garden, Mrs. Ann Richardson(James Erwood)
852 Garden, Mrs. Ann Richardson(James Erwood)
853 Part of Field/arable, Reps, of Charles Long (James Vincent)
854 —/arable, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
855 —/-.-(-)
856 Farm House, and homestead, Mary Tugwell (William Baines)
857 Home Paddock/pasture, Mary Tugwell (William Baines)
858 House, and garden, Reps, of Thos. Tugwell, Esq. (William Baines)
859 Further Field/ pasture, Reps, of Thos. Tugwell, Esq. (William Baines)
860 The Hilly Ground/arable, Mary Tugwell (William Baines)
861 Corner Plantation/plantation, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
862 Croft/arable, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
863 Home Ground/arable. Earl Manvers
864 The Hilly Ground/arable, Mary Tugwell(William Baines)
865 Button Croft/arable, William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
866 Wheat Ground/arable, Earl Manvers
867 Knocker's Hole/arable, Earl Maiivers (Robert Hull)
868 Knocker's Hole/arable, Earl Manvers (Robert Hull)
869 Dog Lade Mead/pasture. Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
870 The Twenty Acres/arable, William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
871 Old Cottage, and garden, Earl Manvers(Richard Little)
872 Home Close, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
873 Barn Mt-ad/pasture. Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
874 Farm House, and homestead, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
875 Orchard, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
876 Farm House, and homestead, Reps, of Charles Long (James Vincent)
877 Eight Acres/pasture, Reps, of Charles Long (James Vincent)
878 Home Ground/ pasture, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
879 Upper Dogs Lade/pasture, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
880 Lower Ground/pasture. Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
881 Four Acres/pasture, Reps, of Charles Long (James Vincent)
882 Home Ground/pasture, William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
883 Eight Acres/pasture, William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
884 The Patch/pasture, William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
885 Farm House, and homestead, William Stancombc, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
886 Part of Long Croft/pasture, Charles Spackman (James Vincent)
887 Part of Long Croft /pasture, Reps, of Charles Long (James Vincent)
888 Inner Foiefie Id /pasture, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
889 Twelve Acres/pasture, William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
890 Lower Forefield/pasture, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
891 Long Forcfjeld/pasture.Samuel Salter,Esq. (James Harding)
892 Plantation, Samuel Sailer, Esq.(John Hosier)
893 —/pasture, Samuel Sailer, Esq. (John Hosier)
894 Inner Forefield/pasture. Reps, of Thomas Bush, Esq. (John Hosier)
895 Upper Forefield/pasture, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
896 The Four Acres/pasture, William Staiicomhe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
897 Paddock/ pasture, Samuel Sailer, Esq. (James Harding)
898 Outer Forefield / arable. Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
899 In Outer Foiefield/arable, Samuel Sailer, Esq. (John Hosier)
900 [In Outer Forefield?]/pasture, Samuel Sailer, Esq. (John Hosier)
901 House, arid garden, James Harding (Himself)
902 Brick Yard, James Harding (Himself)
903 Cockwell Lane Piece/arable, Samuel Sailer,Esq. (John Hosier)
904 Plantation, Samuel Salttr, Esq. (John Hosier)
905 Hownolds/pasture, Samuel Salter, Esq. (John Hosier)
906 Plantation, Samuel Salter, Esq. (John Hosier)
907 —/pasture, Samuel Salter, Esq. (John Hosier)
908 —/pasture, Samuel Salter, Esq. (John Hosier)
909 —/—.— (—}
910 Part of Home Mead, Samuel Salter, Esq. (John Hosier)
911 Cottage, and garden. Earl Manvers (John Ghey)
912 Grammars Ground/pasture, Samuel Salter Esq. (James Harding)
913 Enclosure Irom Common/pasture. Earl Manvers (Martha & Eliz. Little)
913a Enclosure from Common /pasture, Earl Manvers (Martha & Eliz. Little)
914 Great Upper Croft / pasture, Earl Manvers (Martha & Eliz. Little)
915 Garden, Earl Manvers (Martha & Eliz. Little)
916 Two tenements, and garden, Earl Manvers (Martha & Eliz. Little)
917 Home Ground/pasture, Earl Manvers (Martha & Eliz. Little)
918 Beanleys/pasture, Earl Manvers (Martha & Eliz. Little)
919 Beanleys / pasture, Earl Manvers (Martha & Eliz. Little)
920 Breastlands or Manley / pasture, Earl Manvers (Martha & Eliz. Little)
921 Ray Leys/pasture, Earl Manvers (Martha &: Eliz. Little)
922 Little Up Croft/ pasture, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
923 Cuckoo Ground / pasture, Charles Spademan (Richard Little)
924 House, garden, and orchard, John Rumming (Stephen Vincent)
925 Cottage, and garden, Isaac Watts (Robert Hull)
926 Little Mead / pasture, Charles Spackman (Richard Little)
927 Charity Home Ground / pasture. Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
928 Home Leys / pasture, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
929 Leys / pasture, Charles Spackman (Richard Little)
930 Enclosure from Common / pasture, Charles Spackman (Richard Little)
931 Garden at Whatley's Corner, Earl Manvers (James Guley)
932 The Eight Acres / pasture, Louisa Timbrell (John Foley)
933 The Eight Acres/ pasture, Charles Spackman (James Long)
934 Pikes Close/ pasture, Earl Manvers (James Guley)
935 Garden, Charles Spackman (James Long)
936 Mutton Bottom / pasture, Earl Manvers (James Guley)
937 Part of a Field / pasture, Charles Spackman (James Long)
938 Mutton Bottom / pasture, Earl Manvers (James Guley)
939 Leys /arable, Thomas Bailey (Moses Hanney)
940 South Leys/arable, Earl Manvers (James Guley)
941 Hookwood Piece/pasture, Earl Manvers (James Guley)
942 Lower Hook woods/arable, Earl Manvers (James Guley)
943 Hookwoods Six Acres/pasture, Earl Manvers (James Guley)
944 Upper Hookwoods/arable, Earl Manvers (James Guley)
945 Mead or Home Ground/pasture, Earl Manvers (James Guley)
946 Nash's Meadow/ pasture. Earl Manvers (James Guley)
947 Inclosure from Common / pasture.Earl Manvers (James Guley) .
948 Druce's Patch/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (John Rumming)
949 Young Orchard /orchard. Earl Manvers (James Guley)
950 Farm House, and homestead. Earl Manvers (James Guley)
951 Summer Leaze/pasture,Earl Manvers (James Guley)
952 Spronks / pasture. Sir John Cam Hobhouse (John Rumming)
953 Wheat Close/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (John Rumming)
954 Farm House, and homestead, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (John Rumming)
955 Orchard, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (John Rumming)
956 Bean Close/ pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (John Rumming)
957 Asp Mead / pasture. Sir John Cam Hobhouse (John Rumming)
958 Nine Acres / pasture, Earl Manvers (James Guley)
959 Home Ground/pasture, Earl Manvers (James Guley)
960 Part of Arnolds/pasture, Earl Manvers (James Guley)
961 Moonhedge / pasture, Earl Manvers (James Guley)
962 Moonhedge/arable, Earl Manvers (James Guley)
963 Garden near Leech Pool, Earl Manvers (James Guley)
964 Shepherds Close/arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (John Rumming)
965 Moon hedge/pasture, Thomas Bailey (Moses Hanney)
966 Long.Mead/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (John Rumming)
967 Wood Mead/pasture, Sir John Cam Hohhouse (John Rnmming)
968 Black kinds/ pasture, William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
969 Blacklands/pasture, William Suncombe.Esq, (Samuel Bowyer)
970 Blacklands/pasture, William Stancombe, Esq. (Samuel Bowyer)
971 West Velliers/arable, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
972 East Velliers/arable. Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
973 Velliers Close/arable, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
974 Well Ground /pasture. Sir John Cam Hobhouse (William Applegate)
975 Velliers/arable, Earl Manvers (William Applegatc)
976 St. Magdalen's Pit/arable, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
977 —/arable. Earl Manvers (William Applegalc)
978 In Magdalen's Pit/arable, Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
979 —/arable. Earl Manvers {William Applegate)
980 Mailing Pit/arable, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
981 In Marling Pit/arable, Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Applegate)
982 Marling Pil/arable, Earl Manvers (William Applegate)
983 Deynton's [Dainton'sJ Crave/arable, Gen. Henry .Shrapnell (Thomas Mizen)
984 Deynton's [Dainton's] Grave/arable,Gen. Henry Shrapnell (Thomas Mizen)
985 Part of Elms Cross/arable.Gen, Hemy Shrapnell (Thomas Mizen)
986 In Westwood Field/arable, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (Richard Little)
987 In West wood Field/arable, Earl Manvers ' (Richard Little)
988 In Westwood Field/arable, Mrs. Ann Richardson (Richard Little)
989 [In Westwood Field]/—, — (—)
989a In Westwood Field/arable, CharlesSpademan (Richard Little)
989b In Westwood Field /arable, Thomas Shewell Bailward, Esq. (Richard Little)
990 In Westwood Field/arable, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (Richard Little)
991 In Westwood Field/arable, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
992 In Westwood Field/arable, Mrs. Ann Richardson (Ric.liard Little)
993 In Westwood Field/arable, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
994 In Westwood Field/arable, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
995 In Westwood Field/arable, Mrs. Ann Richardson (Richard Little)
996 In Westwood Field/arable, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
997 In Westwood Field/arable, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
998 In part of Corner Land/arable,Gen. Henry Shrapnell {'Thomas Mizen)
998a In Red Gale Ground/arable,Gen. Henry Shrapnell (Thomas Mizen)
999 Part of a Close/arable, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
1000 In Freehold Close/pasture, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
1001 In Common Field/arable, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
1002 In Common Field/arable, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (Richard Little)
1003 In Common Fk-ld/arablc,Earl Manvers (Ridiard Little)
1004 Rough Close/arable, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (Thomas Mizen)
1005 In Common Field/arable. Earl Manvers (Ridiaid Little)
1006 In Common Field/arable, Earl Manvers (Richard Little)
1007 Field by West wood/arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (William Redmaii)
1008 Field at Stimplc Hill/pasture, Charles Spackman (Himself)
1009 [Field at Stimple Hill! / [pasture?], [Charles Spackman?] {[Himself?])
1010 Stimple Hill/pasture, Charles Spackman (Himself)
1011 Rough Close /pasture, Charles Spackman (Himself)
1012 Winds Piece/arable, Gen. Henry Shrapnell (Thomas Mizen)
1013 Marks Acre /arable, George Burcombe (Charles Timbrell and Charles Spackman)
1014 Close in Winterleys/arable, Earl Manvers (Richard King)
1015 Meads Leys/pasture, Isaac Jones (Himself)
1016 Leys Hill/arable, Earl Manvers (Richard King)
1017 Winking Leys/pasture, Earl Manvers (Richard King)
1018 Cole Croft/pasture, Earl Manvers (Richard King)
1019 Coppice/wood, Earl Manvers (Richard King)
1020 Home Close /arable, Earl Manvers (Richard King)
1021 Two cottages, barn, and garden, Earl Manvers (Richard King)
1022 Cottage, and garden, Earl Manvers (Lucy Lippatt)
1023 Cottage, and garden, Earl Manvers (James Hobbs)
1024 Paddock, and copse / arable, Earl Manvers (Richard King)
1025 Part °f Close next the Church way/arable, Earl Manvers (Richard King)
1026 In Muchell Mead/pasture, Rev. Edward Edgell (Job Pocock)
1027 In Yea Mead/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (George Spencer)
1028 Part of the Mead/pasture, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (Alexander Wilkins)
1029 Little Meadow/arable, Alexander Wilkins (Himself)
1030 Little Meadow / pasture. FrancisYerbury, Esq. (Alexander Wilkins)
1031 By the River/pasture, Real reps, of Charles Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1032 Home Mead/pasture, Real reps, of Charles Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phllips)
1033 Wall Tining, and quarry/arable, Real reps, of Charles Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1034 Long Ground / pasture, Mrs. Ann Atwood (Herself)
1035 Bushy Close / arable, Real reps, of Chas. Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1036 Lower Sideland, and plantation/plantation & arable, Francis Yerbury, Esq. (Alexander Wilkins)
1037 Upper Sideland, and plantation/plantation & arable, Francis Yerbury, Esq.(Alexander Wilkins)
1038 Plantation, Francis Yerbury, Esq. (Alexander Wilkins)
1039 Bushy Close/arable, Real reps, of Chas. Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1040 Chilhorn/arable, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (James Batten)
1041 Late Broads / pasture, Mrs. Ann Atwood (Herself)
1042 Little Turley Down / arable, Alexander Wilkins (Himself)
1043 Three tenements, and gardens, Thomas Cleaveland ([Himself?])
1044 House, and garden, James Budgett ([Himself?])
1045 House, and garden, Thomas Woodman (Himself)
1046 Garden, and orchard, William Bowles (Himself)
1047 Turley Down / arable; Mary Batten (James Batten)
1048 Chilhorn / arable, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (Alexander Wilkins)
1049 Barn Ground / arable, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (Alexander Wilkins)
1050 Temple Ground/arable, Mjs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (Alexander Wilkins)
1051 Part of Lower Grove /plantation and pasture, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (Alexander Wilkins)
1052 Part of the Grove, and plantation/ plantation & pasture, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (Alexander Wilkins)
1053 Little Scotchers/arable, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (Alexander Wilkins)
1053a Capons/arable, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (Alexander Wilkins)
1054 Walls Ground/arable, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (Alexander Wilkins)
1055 Pudding Close/arable, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (Alexander Wilkins)
1056 Oakway/arable, Mary Batten (James Batten)
1057 Cross Post Ground / arable, Thomas Hanks (John Dory)
1058 Garden, and tenement, Emanuel Byfield (Job Hosey)
1059 House, and garden, Executors of Edward Luxford (VOID)
1060 House, and garden, Executors of Edward Luxford (VOID)
1061 Three houses, and gardens, Richard & Penelope BoIcy {[Themselves?])
1062 Two tenements, Thomas Cleveland ([Himself?])
1063 Orchard, Emauuel Byfield (Himself)
1064 Hurdle/arable, Executors of Edward Luxford (Thomas Cleveland)
1065 Marshman's Close /pasture, Mrs. Ann A (wood (Herself)
1066 Garden, and two tenements. Executors of Edward Luxford (Thomas Cleveland)
1067 Garden, Executors of Edward Luxford (Thomas Cleveland)
1068 House, Emanuel Byfield (Himself)
1069 House, lawn, and premises, Emanucl Byfield (Himself)
1070 Tan Yard, Emanucl Byfield (Himself)
1071 House, garden, and tenement, Emauuel Byfield (Himself)
1072 Partofaclo.se, and stable, Mrs. Ann Atwood (Herself)
1073 House, and garden, Mrs. Ann Atwood (George Knott)
1074 Ore-hard, Emanuel Byfield (Himself)
1075 Three tenements, Emanuel Byfield (Himself)
1076 Tenement, Emanuel Byfield (Himself)
1077 Turley Farm House, garden, and homestead. Real reps, of Chas. Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1078 Home Ground / pasture, Real reps, of Chas. Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1079 Cottage, and garden, Edith Spender(Herself)
1080 House, garden, and orchard, John Melsom (Himself)
1081 Roadway /arable, Real reps, of Chas. Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1082 The Ham/pasture. Real reps, of Chas. Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1083 Seven Acres/arable, Emanuel Byfield (Himself)
1084 Five Acres/arable, Emanuel Byfield (Himself)
1085 Little Bittoms/pasture, Real reps, of Chas. Connolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1086 Widows Folly/pastuie. Real reps of Chas. Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1087 Long Ground, and Strip/pasture, Real reps, of Chas. Connolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1088 House, and stock mill, at Avonciiff,Francis Yerbury, Esq. (John Edwards Davis)
1089 House, grist mill, four tenements,Thos. & John Shepherd (Charles Lewis)
1090 Garden, Thos. & John Shepherd (Charles Lewis)
1091 Piece against Aqueduct/pasture. Real reps, of Chas. Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1092 Melancholy Walk/pasture, Real reps, of
1093 In Melancholy Walk /pasture, Mrs. Esther Chas. Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1094 In Melancholy Walk/pasture, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (Jacob Phillips)
1095 Canal bank from Mulhill to Avonciiff, Kennett S; Avon Canal Company (Themselves)
1096 In Great Bittoms/pasture, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (Alexander Wilkins)
1097 Great Bittoms/pasture, Real reps, of Chas. Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1098 Garden, Kennett & Avon Canal Company (Duncan Mclntosh)
1099 House, and garden, James Budgetr (Thomas Ovens)
1100 Garden, Kennett & Avon Canal Company (Edward Gibbons)
1101 Murhill Field/arable, Real reps, of Chas. Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1102 Murhill Field/ arable. Real reps, of Chas.Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1103 Murhill Field /arable. Real reps, of Chas. Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1104 Gold Hill/arable, Isaac Smallcombe (Himself)
1105 Black Acre/arable, Thomas Hanks (Himself)
1106 Black Acre/arable, Mrs. Ann Atwood (Susan Bowles)
1107 Catsditch/arable, Real reps, of Chas. Conolly, Esq. {Jacob Phillips)
1108 Sidclaud/pastiire, Kennett &; Avon Canal Company (Themselves)
1109 Quarry Wharf, and Sideland/pasture, Kennett Jfc Avon Canal Company (James Baber)
1110 [Sideland/pasture?], f Kennett Si Avon Canal Company?] ([James Baber?])
1111 Gardens, Thomas Hanks (John Sartain)
1112 Five tenements, and garden, James Baber (James Mutton)
1113 Orchard, and garden, James Baber (James Dagger)
1114 Gardens, Thomas Hanks (John Sartain)
1115 House, garden, & premises, James Baber (Himself)
1116 Plantations, James Baber (Himself)
1117 Three houses, and garden, James Baber(John Hartnell, & another)
1118 House, and garden, James Baber(William Dagger)
1119 House, and garden, James Baber(James Dagger)
1120 House, and garden, James Baber(John Sartain)
1121 Garden, Thomas Hanks (John Sartain)
1122 Garden, Real reps, of Chas. Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1123 Cottage, and garden. Real reps, of Chas. Conoily, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1124 Top of Gold Hill/arable, Real reps, of Chas. Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1125 At Gold Hill/arable, Thomas Hanks (Himself)
1126 Gold Hill/arable, John Pinchin it James Antrobus (John Pinchin)
1127 Gold Hill/arable, John Pinchin & James Antrobus (John Pinchin)
1128 Gold Hill/arable, Thomas Hanks(Himself)
1129 Gold Hill/arable, John Pinchin & James Antrobus (John Pinchin)
1130 Rowbarrow or Turley Field/arable, Emanuel By field (Himself)
1131 Croft/pasture. Real reps, of John Conolly, Esq. (Jacob Phillips)
1132 Winsley Down/arable, Emanuel Byfield (Himself)
1133 Conigre arable, James Baber (Himself)
1134 Lawn, and pas lure/pasture, James Baber (Himself)
1135 Winsley Manor House, garden, etc.,James Baber (Himself)
1136 Barn, barton, and plantation, James Baber(Himself)
1137 Winsley Piece/pasture, James Baber (Himself)
1138 Waterstitch/arable, Thomas Hanks (Himself)
1139 —/arable, Richard & Penelope Boley (William Timbrell)
1140 Garden, Richard i Penelope Bolcy (William Timbrell)
1141 The Down/arable, Richard 8: Penelope Boley (Thomas Hanks)
1142 Orchard, Richard & Penelope Boley (William Timbrell)
1143 Tenement, and garden, Emanuel Byfield (Himself)
1144 Orchard, and barn, Emanuel Byfield (Himself)
1145 House, garden, and premises, Emanuel Byfield (Himself)
1146 House, garden, and tenement,Bryant Furnall (Matthew Newth)
1147 Five houses, and gardens, Emanuel Byfield (Himself)
1148 Two houses, and garden, Mrs. Ann At wood (Herself)
1149 Paddock/ pasture, Mrs. Ann A (wood(Herself)
1150 House, garden & premises, Richard & Penelope Boley (William Timbrell)
1151 Orchard/pastured orchard, Mrs. Ann Atwood (Herself)
1152 Mansion House, lawn, & gardens,Mrs. Ann Atwood (Herself)
1153 House, and garden, John Morris, Esq. (Susan Bowles)
1154 House, and garden, Mrs. Ann Atwood (Herself)
1155 Five houses, and gardens, William Taylor (Himself)
1156 House, Philip Wait (Himself) 11563 Orchard, William Taylor (Susan Bowles)
1157 Three houses, and garden, John Knapp (Himself)
1158 Two houses, John Bains (Himself)
1159 Four houses, and garden, William Lewis (Himself)
1160 House, garden, and quarry, Mrs. Mary Heal (Herself)
1161 Old Orchard/orchard, Emanuel Byfield (Himself)
1162 Cuckoo Hill/arable, William Taylor (Susan Bowles)
1163 In nocks /arable, Mrs. Ann Atwood (Susan Bowles)
1164 [Innocks?]/arable, Mrs. Ann Atwood (Susan Bowles)
1165 House, and garden, Thomas Hanks (Jeremiah Powell)
1166 Cross Post Ground/arable, James Budget! (Jeremiah Powe 11)
1167 Cross Post Field/arable, Mrs. Ann Atwood (Susan Bowles)
1168 Cuckoo Hill/arable, Real reps, of Chas. Conolly, Esq. (Richard King)
1169 Cottage, and garden, George Broad (Himself)
1170 House, and garden, Thomas Hanks (Jeremiah Powell)
1171 Dean Bottom/arable, George Melsom (William Rose)
1172 Little Winley/arable, Mrs. Ann Atwood (Herseli)
1173 Winley/arable, Richard King (Himself)
1174 Holly Bush/ arable. Real reps, of Chas. Conolly, Esq. (Richard King)
1175 The Two Acres/arable, Mrs. Ann Atwood (Herself)
1176 Sand Close /arable, John Briscoe, Esq. (Henry Cerrish)
1177 Cross Post Field /arable, Richard fc Penelope Boley (Thomas Hanks)
1178 Upper Budbury Ley/arable, Thos.Shewell Bailward, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1179 Horse Leazc/arable,Thos. Shewell Bailward, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1180 Upper Oakway/arable, John Jones, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1181 Lower Oak way/pasture, John Jones, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1182 Eight Acres/arable, John Jones, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1183 Palmers Piece/pasture, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (Alex. Wilkins)
1184 Budbury Tining/arable, John Jones, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1185 Church Ground/pasture, John Jones.Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1186 Long Close/pasture, John Jones, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1187 Part of Long Close/arable, John Jones Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1188 Garden, Mary Batten (Herself)
1189 Two houses, and gardens, Mary Batten (William Batchelor)
1190 House, and garden, John Bush, Esq. (Daniel Portch)
1191 House, arid garden, John Briscoe, Esq. (William Higgins)
1192 Garden, Thomas Wheeler (Robert Peters)
1193 Garden, Thomas Wheeler (James Pcarce)
1194 Three houses, Mrs. Ann Little (Herself)
1195 --(-)
1196 House, and premises, John Rees Jones ([Thomas Hanks?])
1197 Three houses, William Huntley (Himself)
1198 Two houses, Edward Parsons (Himself)
1199 House, Thomas Wheeler (James Pearce)
1200 House, William Huntley (Himself)
1201 Two houses, Charles Jones ([Thomas Hanks?])
1202 Four houses, Charles Spackman (Himself)
1203 House, Richard Huntley (Himself)
1204 Two houses, Wiliiam Warman (Himself)
1205 House, John Bush, Esq. (Daniel Portch)
1206 House, John Bush, Esq. (Daniel Portch)
1207 Three houses, William Howell (Himself)
1208 House, Stephen Mizen (Himself)
1209 Six houses, Charles Jones ([Thomas
1210 House, William Budget! (Himself)
1211 Two houses, Thomas Wheeler (James Pearce)
1212 House, Charles Cadby (Himself)
1213 House, Thomas Wheeler (James Pearce)
1214 House, Thomas Spackman (Himself)
1215 House, Charles Cadby (Himself)
1216 Two houses, Samuel Huntley (Himself)
1217 Two houses, William Bray (Himself)
1218 Two houses, James Kelson (Himself)
1219 House, and garden, James Marks
1220 Seven houses, James Batten (Himself)
1221 Two houses, James Marks (ThomasBigwood)
1222 Three houses, Alexander Wilkins (Himself)
1223 Four houses, and tan yard, Henry Wilkins (Himself)
1224 House, and shops, Francis Yerbury, Esq. (John Edwards Da vis)
1225 House, and garden, Alexander Wilkins (Himself)
1226 Two houses, and garden, Samuel Dunsdon (Himself)
1227 House, Alexander Wilkins (Himself)
1228 Seven Stars Brewery, malthouse, and premises, Alexander Wilkins (Himself)
1229 House, and two tenements, James Shrapnell (Himself)
1230 House [Masons' Arms] and two tenements, James Howell {[Thomas Wheeler])
1231 Eight tenements, Richard & John Bethel (Themselves)
1232 House, and garden, James Marks (Thomas Bigwood)
1233 Three tenements, James Marks (Thomas Bigwood)
1234 Three houses, Benjamin Spender (Himself)
1235 House, William Shrapnell (Himself)
1236 House, Charles Jones ([Thomas Hanks?])
1237 House, James Walman (Himself)
1238 Two houses, Simon Mizen (Himself)
1239 Two houses, Roger Watts (Himself)
1240 House, Thomas Bruges (Himself)
1241 Two houses, William Smith (Himself)
1242 Two houses. Trustees of the Union Society (Themselves)
1243 House, William Shrapnell (Himself)
1244 Five houses, Samuel Batchclor (Himself)
1245 House, William Stephens (Himself)
1246 House, Edward Parsons (Himself)
1247 Two houses, James Fortch (Himself)
1248 Two houses. Mrs. Ann Little (Herself)
1249 The Grove Chapel, Trustees of the Grove Chapel (Themselves)
1250 Four houses, Benjamin Spender (Himself)
1251 House, Trustees of the Union Society (Themselves)
1252 House, Frances Gough (Herself)
1253 Two houses, Trustees of the Grove Chapel (Themselves)
1254 Two houses, Thomas Wheeler (James Pearce)
1255 Two houses, Mrs. Ann Rayner (Herself)
1256 Four houses, Thomas Spackman (Himself)
1257 Two houses, & two tenements, Cornelius Lewis (himself)
1258 Two houses, John Newbeury (Himself)
1259 Field/pasture, Thos. Shewell Bail ward, Esq. (Richard Newman)
1260 Five tenements, Richard Harvey (Himself)
1261 House, and garden, Richard Harvey (Himself)
1262 House, and garden, Richard Harvey (Himself)
1263 Three houses, Joseph Harvey (Himself)
1264 House, and garden, Mrs. Hester Tucker (herself)
1265 House, and garden, John White (Himself)
1266 House, and garden, William Swift (Himself)
1267 Garden, John White (Himself)
1268 House, Thomas Nicholls (Himself)
1269 Two houses, Thomas Spackman (Himself)
1270 House, Posthumous Bush (Jacob Alien)
1271 House, William Harding (Himself)
1272 Four houses, William Mi/en (Himself)
1273 Garden, and quarry, Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Long)
1274 Baker's Orchards/orchard, Aaron Blackmore (Himself)
1275 Baker's Orchards/ pasture S; orchard Aaron Blackmore (Himself)
1276 The Clay Fields/pasture, John Briscoe, Esq. (John Dike [Dyke])
1277 The Clay Fields/ pasture, John Briscoe, Esq. (John Dike [Dyke])
1278 The Clay Fields/pasture, John Briscoe, Esq. (John Dike [Dyke])
1279 Four houses, Thomas Spackman (Himself)
1280 House, and garden, Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Tucker)
1281 Orchard, and two tenements/pasture, George Augustus Baretie (William Harvey)
1282 Upper Sand Close/pasture, George Augustus Bareite (William Harvey)
1283 ----(-)
1284 Farm house, garden, &; homestead, John Jones, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1285 Orchard, John Jones, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1286 Ten Acres/pasture, John Jones, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1287 Part of Belcombfe] Park/pasture, Thos, Shewell Bailward, Esq. (Benjamin Hart)
1288 Orchard, John Edmonds (Benjamin Hart)
1289 Three houses, and garden, John Edmonds (Benjamin Hart)
1290 Entrance Lodge, and plantation,Thos. Shewell Bailward, Esq. (Eliz. Bailward)
1291 In Yea Mead/pasture, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (George Spencer)
1292 In Yea Mead/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (James Batten)
1293 In Yea Mead/pasture, Trustees of John Long, Esq. (Robert Symmons)
1294 In Yea Mead/pasture. Sir John Cam Hohhouse (James Batten)
1295 In Yea Mead/pasture, Sir John Cam Hobhouse (James Batten)
1296 In Yea Mead/pasture, Rev. Henry Harvey; Vicarial Glebe (Himself)
1297 'n ^"ca Mead/pasture, Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (George Spencer)
1298 Seven houses, and garden, James Moody (Himself)
1299 Part of Cumberland/pasture, Thos.Shewell Bailward, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1300 Three tenements, and gardens. Henry Slade Brown (Himself)
1301 Garden, Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Tucker)
1302 Eight houses, and gardens, William Harvey (Himself)
1303 House, and gaiiltn, John Jones, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1304 Garden, John Jones, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1305 Barton, John Jones, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1306 The Batrh/pasture. John Jones, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1307 Upper Ram Cor tier/pasture, Mrs. Ann Richardson (William Tucker)
1308 Lower Ram Corner/pastuie, Mrs. Ann Richardson (WilliamTucker)
1309 Sixteen Acres/arable, Thos, Shewell Bailward.Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1310 Great Woods/arable, Thos. Shewell Bailward, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1311 Lower Budhury Leigh/arable, Thos. Shewell Bailward, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1312 Sterts Lane Piece/arable, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, copyhold under Dean Jfc Chapter of Bristol (William Rose)
1313 France Home Ground/pasture, Thos.Shewell Bailward, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1314 France Farm House, and garden, Thos. Shewell Bailward, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1315 Great Ashlcy/pasture, Thos.Shewell Bailward, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1316 Four tenements, and gardens, William Hard ing (Himself)
1317 Great Ashley Ground/arable, Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1318 The Piece/pasture, Thos. Shewell Bailward, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1319 Tenement, Henry Slade Brown (Himself)
1320 Cottage, and garden, Thos. Shewell Bailward, E.sq. (Thomas Hanks) 1
1321 Hollystile Ground/pasture, Thos. ShewellBailward, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1322 Lower Mead/pasture, Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1323 North Close/pasture, John Deverell, Esq.(Richard Newman)
1324 Part of Cotkstile Ground/pasture,Thos. Shewell Bailward, Esq. (Thomas Hanks)
1325 House, and garden, John Deverell, Esq.
1326 Three houses, and gardens, George (Richard Newman)
1327 House, and garden, John Deverell, Esq.(Edward Peacock)
1328 Cockstile/pasture, John Deverell, Esq. (Richard Newman)
1329 Ashley Ground/pasture, John Deverell, Esq. (Richard Newman)
1330 Three houses, and gardens, John Deverell, Esq. (James Ladbury & others)
1331 Garden, Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1332 Middle Ground/pasture. Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1333 Rough Mead/pas I ure, John Deverell, Esq. (Richard Newman)
1334 Jerome's Mead, and cottage/pasture.Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1335 Jerome's Orchard/orchard,Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1336 Long Orchard/orchard.Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1337 Farm House, and homestead.Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1338 Orchard,Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1339 Home Field/pasture,Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1340 Cumberwell Ground/pasture,Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1341 Two tenements, and garden, John Clark, Esq. (Himself)
1343 Little Long Mead/pasture, John Clark, Esq. (Himself)
1343 Fields at Cumberwell/pasture.Henry Shrapnell, Esq. (Ann Cottle)
1344 Fields at Cnmberwell/pasture.Henry Shrapnel], Esq. (Ann Cottle)
1345 Breach/pasture, John Pinchin & James Amrobm (John Pinchin)
1346 Breach/pasture, John Pinchin & James Antrobus (John Pinchin)
1347 Breach/pasture, John Pinchin & James Antrobus (John Pinchin)
1348 Breach/arable, Mrs. Ann Atwood, as lessee of Rectorial Glebe (Thomas Hanks)
1349 Long Ground/arable, Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1350 Fern Ground /arable, Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1351 Barley Ground/pasture, Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1352 Long Mead/pasture, Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1353 Parsonage Close/arable, Mrs. Ann Atwood, a.s lessee of Rectorial Glebe (Joel Keable)
1354 Mcrfield Nine Ac res /arable. Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1355 Mcrlicld/arable, Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1356 Mcrfield Garden/garden, Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1357 Duck Mead/pasture, Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1358 Mcrfield/arable, Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1359 Merfield/arable, Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1360 Merfield/arable. Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1361 Wood Mead/pas I u re, Mrs. Esther Yerbnry, in fee (William Rose)
1362 The Mead/arable, Mrs. Esther Yerbiiry, in fee (William Rose)
1363 Long Ground/arable, Mrs. Esther Yerbiiry, in fee (William Rose)
1364 Lower Cam's Ground/pasture,Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1365 Cam's Ground, incl. Garden/pasture.Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1366 Two houses, and gardens,Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1367 House, and garden, William Smith (Himself)
1368 Bakers Ground/pasture, Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher (William Angel)
1369 Ashley Ground/arable, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (William Rose)
1370 Marlpit Ground/pasture.Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (William Rose)
1371 Home Ground/pasture, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (William Rose)
1372 Long Ground/pasture,Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (William Rose)
1373 Calves House Ground /pasture,Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (William Rose)
1374 Lower Ground/arable, John Yerbury, Esq.(William Rose)
1375 Haugh Wood /wood, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (William Rose)
1376 Bowshots Paddocks/arable,John Yerbury, Esq. (William Rose)
1377 Hengrove/pasture, George Melsom (William Rose)
1378 The Mead / pasture, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (William Rose)
1379 Two cottages, and gardens, Richard King (Himself)
1380 Butter's Ground/past lire, Richard King (Himself)
1381 Orchard, Mrs. Esther Yerbnry, in fee (William Rose)
1382 Farm House, garden, and homestead.Mrs. Esther Ycrbury, in fee (William Rose)
1383 Rick Ground/arable, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, in fee (William Rose)
1384 Long Down/pasture, Henry Viveash Baskcrville, Esq. (Mary Byfield)
1385 Little Long Down/pasture, Henry Viveash Baskerville, Esq. (Mary Byficld)
1386 Little Coppety Row/pasture, Henry Viveash Baskerville, Esq. (Mary Byfield)
1387 Ashley Field/arable, Trustees of John Long, Esq. (Robert Symmons)
1388 —/pasture, John Deverell, Esq. (Richard Newman)
1389 Old Road way/pasture, Henry Viveash Baskcrvillc, Esq. (Mary Byfield)
1390 Coppety Row/pasture, Henry Viveash Baskerville, Esq. (Mary Byfield)
1591 Little Spring Ground /pasture, Henry Viveash Baskerville, Esq. (Mary Byfield)
1392 Ashley Farm House, and homestead, Henry Viveash Baskerville, Esq. (Mary Byfield)
1393 Barn Close/pasture, Henry Viveash Baskerville, Esq. (Mary Byfield)
1394 Great Spring Ground/pasture, Henry Viveash Baskerville, Esq. (Mary Byfield)
1395 Great Sterts/arable, Mrs. Esther Yerbury, copyhold under Dean & Chapter of Bristol (William Rose)